United Kingdom Alliance for Disaster Research Annual Conference 2023

18th & 19th December 2023, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom

2030 AND BEYOND: Risk-informed decision making, investment and behaviour.

The conference theme, “2030 and Beyond: Risk-informed decision making, investment, and Behaviour,” highlights the pressing need to address global challenges and manage disaster risks effectively.

The conference is inspired by the Mid-term Review of the Implementation of the Sendai Framework 2015-2030 (MTR SF), which emphasizes the importance of disaster risk management. While progress has been made since its implementation in 2015, our planet’s increasing instability carries significant risks.


About the Conference

Conference dissemination materials


Global Disaster Resilience Centre (GDRC)

University of Huddersfield

UK Alliance for Disaster Research

CORE Project

sCience and human factOr for Resilient sociEty

Conference chairs

Professor Dilanthi Amaratunga

Professor of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Co-Director of Global Disaster Resilience Centre

Professor Richard Haigh

BSc (Hons), PhD, FRGS, CMgr FCMI, 
Professor of Disaster Resilience
Co-Director of Global Disaster Resilience Centre

Organising Committee

Global Disaster Resilience Centre, University of Huddersfield, UK

  • Professor Dilanthi Amaratunga
  • Professor Richard Haigh
  • Isuru Biyanwila
  • Georgina Clegg
  • Asitha De Silva
  • Dr. Ezri Hayat
  • Dr. Kinkini Hemachandra
  • Thushara Kamalrathne
  • Dr. Chamindi Malalgoda
  • Nesha Mawitigodage
  • Samson Mpueh
  • Shavindree Nissanka
  • Nilantha Randeniya
  • Aravindi Samarakkody
  • Anuradha Senanayake
  • Malith Senevirathne
  • Dr. Lilian Smart
  • Thisara Uduwarage
  • Thanya Weerasinghe

Conference themes

The conference theme encompasses a wide range of critical topics that shape the field of disaster research and risk-informed decision-making. Our aim is to foster interdisciplinary discussions and explore innovative approaches to address the challenges we face.

These themes will serve as focal points for insightful discussions, knowledge sharing, and collaboration throughout the conference. Together, we aim to advance our understanding of disaster risks and drive effective decision-making for a more resilient future.

Risk Governance and Management

  • Risk governance and risk management architecture
  • Transdisciplinary, prospective, and corrective risk reduction
  • Stakeholder partnerships in disaster risk reduction
  • The interface between science, policy, and practice

Financial Aspects of Disaster Risk

  • Disaster risk finance
  • Understanding the economics of disasters
  • Business continuity planning

Interconnected Risks and Impacts

  • Systemic, interconnected drivers of risks and cascading impacts
  • Multi-hazard strategies and approaches

Vulnerability and Inequality

  • Vulnerabilities, exposure, and inequality
  • The whole of society’s approach to DRR
  • Social media information/ misinformation

Nature-based Solutions and Environmental Resilience

  • Nature-based and nature-inspired solutions
  • Ecosystem resilience
  • Natural resource management

Resilient Infrastructure and Built Environment

  • Urban resilient systems
  • Built environment and resilient infrastructure

Data and Information Systems

  • Integrated data information systems
  • Methods for risk identification, mapping, and reporting
  • Early warning systems and preparedness planning

Community and Local Approaches

  • Local Approaches and indigenous knowledge
  • Building community resilience

Post-Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction

  • Sustainable post-disaster reconstruction
  • Disaster-induced displacement

Climate Change Adaptation

  • Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction nexus
  • Climate change education

Dr. Abhilash Panda​

Deputy Chief, Intergovernmental processes, Interagency cooperation, and Partnerships Branch, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), Geneva, Switzerland

Professor Suzanne Wilkinson

Associate Dean – Research, College of Sciences, Professor of Construction Management, School of Built Environment, Massey University, Auckland and Wellington, New Zealand

Keynote Speakers

Funding Acknowledgement

University of Huddersfield, UK
