Mitigating hydrometeorological hazard impacts through improved transboundary river management in the Ciliwung River Basin

The project Mitigating Hydrometeorological Hazard Impacts Through Improved Transboundary River Management in the Ciliwung River Basin examined how the transboundary river management arrangements in the Ciliwung River Basin, Indonesia influenced flood hazard impacts. The interdisciplinary project brought together expertise in flood modelling, disaster risk reduction, urban planning, public policy, and behavioural science with the objective of identifying the environmental, socio-economic, political and organisational landscape associated with

flood risk in the Ciliwung River Basin. The results will be used to inform improved transboundary river management arrangements for the Ciliwung Basin and provide a model for urban and peri-urban river basins elsewhere.

Project Overview

Project posters and flyers


  1. What is the response of Ciiliwung catchment to extreme rainfall during tropical storms and cyclones?
  2. What are the key flood drivers and the impact of climate change on their future variability?
  3. What are the downstream hydrodynamic conditions that contribute to flooding in Jakarta?
  4. How do river flooding, local rain/intensity and local drainage system contribute to urban flooding?
  5. What are the roles and responsibilities for integrated river basin management in the CRB?
  6. Is there strong linkage between upstream and downstream cities/regencies?
  7. What are the mechanisms used to enable wider stakeholder engagement, including communities, civil society and business organisations?
  8. What non-water related policies and regulatory regimes impact on the CRB?
  9. What are the incentives and barriers to uptake of effective integrated river basin management in the CRB?
  10. What sharing and exchange of data and information is required for more effective decision making, forecasting, early warning, basin-wide planning, evaluation and monitoring?
  11. What modelling is required to improve transboundary understanding and communication among stakeholders?

Lead partner details:

  • Global Disaster Resilience Centre, University of Huddersfield, UK 
  • Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia

Time period: 2019-2023

This project is supported by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (Project Reference: NE/S003282/1), the Newton Fund, the UK Economic and Social Research Council, and the Ministry of Research, Technology & Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (RISTEK-BRIN).

Funding acknowledgement


Grant value

Project partners

Global Disaster Resilience Centre (GDRC)

University of Huddersfield

Energy and Environment Research Cluster (EERC) of the Zienkiewicz Centre for Computational Engineering (ZCCE)

College of Engineering of Swansea University

School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development, Center for Coastal and Marine Development & Center for Policy Development

Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB)

School of Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics (STMKG)

Supporting partners

National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB), Indonesia

Indonesian Agency for Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysics (BMKG)

National Planning and Development Agency-Directorate of Irrigation and Water Infrastructure (BAPPENAS)

Indonesian Local Disaster Management Organisation (BPBD)

Major River Basin Authority for Ciliwung and Cisadane Watershed (BBWS CC)

BAPPENDA in West Java and DKI Jakarta Provinces


  • Bennett, W.G, H. Karunarathna, Y. Xuan, M.S.B. Kusuma, M. Farid, A.A. Kuntoro, H.P. Rahayu, B. Kombaitan, D. Septiadi, T.N.A. Kesuma, R. Haigh and D. Amaratunga (2023) Modelling compound flooding: a case study from Jakarta, Indonesia. Natural Hazards.
  • Clegg G., Haigh, R., Amaratunga, D. and Rahayu, H.P. (2023) Coordination challenges facing effective flood governance in the Ciliwung river basin. In: Environmental Governance in Indonesia (Springer Nature). Edited by Triyanti, Indrawan, Nurhidayah and Marfai.
  • Clegg G; Haigh R and Amaratunga D (2022) Towards an improved understanding of participation in natural hazard early warning systems. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment. Vol 13 No5 p. 615 – 631.
  • Clegg G; Haigh R; Amaratunga D;  Rahayu H; Karunarathna H and Septiadi D.  (2021) A Conceptual Framework for Flood Impact Mitigation Through Transboundary River Management. International Journal on Advanced Science Engineering and Information Technology. Vol 11 No 3. p 880-888.
  • Clegg G; Haigh R; Amaratunga D and Rahayu H (2021) Transboundary river governance practices for flood risk reduction in europe: a review. In: Multi-hazard early warning and disaster risks (Springer Nature). Editors: Amaratunga D; Haigh R and Dias N.
  • Farid, M, D Saputra, TR Maitsa, TNA Kesuma, AA Kuntoro, A Chrysanti (2021) Relationship between extreme rainfall and design flood discharge of the Ciliwung River. 2nd International Conference on Disaster and Management.
  • Kesuma, TNA, D Saputra, M Farid, MSB Kusuma, AA Kuntoro (2021) Contribution of Manggarai Gate Improvement to Flood in Manggarai Village Based on Recorded Flood event. The 5th International Seminar on Sustainable Urban Development (5th IsoSUD).
  • Rahayu, H., Zulfa K, Nurhasanah D, Haigh R, Amaratunga D, Wahdiny I (2023) Unveiling Transboundary Challenges in The Ciliwung River Flood Management. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences.
  • Rahayu, HP (2022) Key Flood Drivers for the Ciliwung River Basin. ITB Press. ISBN:978-623-297-229-2
  • Rahayu, H.P, Kusuma MSB, Haigh R, Amaratunga D, Kombaitan B, Farid M, Kuntoro AA, Khoirunnisa D, Zulfa K.I, Wahdiny I, Nurhasanah D, Ganesha D, Susanto A (2022) Institution’s Role in Flood Early Warning System Along Ciliwung River Basin. ITB Press. ISBN 978-623-297-234-6
  • Rahayu HP, Kusuma M.S.B, Haigh R., Amaratunga D., Kombaitan B, Farid M, Kuntoro A.A., Khoirunnisa D., Zulfa K.I, Wahdiny I., Kesuma T.A., Nurhasanah D, Ganesha D., Susanto A. (2022) Upstream and Midstream Government’s Role in Flood Risk Management Along Ciliwung River Basin. ITB Press. ISBN 978-623-297-133-2.
  • Rahayu, HP, Khoirunnisa D, Rohman D, Asman A, Kombaitan B (2021) What are the Essentials for Community Resilience against Recurring Floods? International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology.
  • Pratama MI, FIW Rohmat, M Farid, MB Adityawan, AA Kuntoro, IR Moe (2021) Flood hydrograph simulation to estimate peak discharge in the Ciliwung river basin.
  • Yatsrib M, R Tajri, S Rifdah, A Chrysanti, MSB Kusuma (2021) Assessment of flood risk reduction in DKI Jakarta: Cengkareng Sub-district. The 5th International Seminar on Sustainable urban development.


  • Asumsi Podcast with Harkunti Rahayu (2020)
  • Online events: The Institute of Technology Bandung were involved in the delivery of several online webinar events. On 21st September 2020 a webinar was held on the topic of ‘Floods in Jakarta and West Java’ following recent flooding events. It was attended by 80 public participants. Public webinars were also held in collaboration with the West Java Government and the School of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (STMKG) (26th November 2020) which were attended by 110 and 763 online participants respectively.
  • UKRI Youtube video by Richard Haigh (2021)
  • Keynote (Prof. Richard Haigh) – International Conference on Geography and Global Sustainability (2021)
  • Co-chair and keynote – European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction side event (Prof Dilanthi Amaratunga) (2021).
  • Field visit by the President of the COP26 and British Ambassador to the Republic of Indonesia (2022)
  • Presentation to ADRiMP Sri Lanka at the Annual General Meeting – Prof. Dilanthi Amaratunga (2022).
  • Dr Harkunti Rahayu participated in the National Disaster Preparedness Day conducted on April 26, 2022 in Yogyakarta Special Provinces
  • Professor Richard Haigh was an invited panel expert for The Royal Society’s ‘The UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development – science we need for the ocean we want’ initiative (2022)
